How to Know it’s Time to Take Your Loved One to a Care Home

It can be difficult to judge the threshold of when to take your loved one to a care home. The decision is never made lightly and it is easy to adapt to changing circumstances in their health instead of accepting that it is the right time. However, for the fundamental wellbeing of both you and your loved one, it is important that the decision is made before the situation becomes dangerous. If there is any delay, then you, your loved one, or their carer, may be put through unnecessary stress or even harm. There are key signs to recognise that can help you to make the right decision.


Disorientation, or wandering, is one of the key signs of dementia. A simple trip, such as one to the next room, may see your loved one wandering away without realising how or why. It is important to be vigilant in recognising this symptom as it may lead to their anxiety of being lost or even a potential injury, especially if they are to spend time alone.

Required Needs

One early sign is that their needs for care grow beyond what is currently and potentially offered. If they are unable to live comfortably without continued supervision or you feel that you are struggling to meet the needs for their happiness, then it is time to consider an establishment that can.


Part of dementia is aggression. This can be extremely difficult to witness, especially from a loved one. Lashing out, violently or even sexually, is a clear sign that your loved one requires more considered care from trained professionals. This pressure should not be put onto others.


Sundown syndrome, or sundowning, is a mental shift that occurs in the evening. Indicators may include confusion, frustration, restlessness, and will likely contrast their usual personality. It is often associated with dementia.

Carer’s Opinion

Your carer is likely to have a large amount of experience with the elderly. Their opinion should be valued, often as an unbiased alternative to your own. If they are beginning to feel stressed or that it is time to consider a care home, then be sure to take their advice into consideration.


At a certain point, you or your loved one’s carer will start to notice accidents occurring. These may be simple embarrassments or slight injuries. However, if they are not spotted early on, they will only become more frequent and severe. If you begin to feel that their home is a dangerous environment, then it might be the right time to choose a more appropriate home.

Part of the difficulty with making the decision comes from misunderstandings about care homes. They are supportive environments where your loved one will live among those who care, in a social and safe space. Consider visiting a Care Home in West Somerset and seeing for yourself. Once you recognise the great quality of life that many facilities offer, the decision may be easier to make.

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