Various Types of Great Hair Extensions
Nowadays, there are various kinds of professional hair extensions, and every one of them is appropriate for different kinds of hair. A lot will depend on just how well the extensions are looked after, with bonded extensions usually being the longest lasting.
- Tube extensions, in both metal and plastic, are known to work better for people with thicker hair.
- And then there are sewn hair extensions that are also well known as “weaves”
- And also popular are clip-in hair extensions that are a wonderful way of having a temporary change in hairstyle.
- Professional hair extensions, in either single strands or wefts, are normally bonded with protein or glue.
- Protein bonded extensions can remain for up to eight months and utilize keratin bonds and ultrasonic vibrations to keep attached.
- Due to this method requiring no heat, it is less harmful than other types, and the keratin bond does not dissolve when heat styling is put into use.
- Anyone who’s seeking a professional female hair clinic should contact Hair Solved, who are renowned specialists in expert forms of extensions and hair loss solutions.
Different Tube Extensions
- What are known as “bonded extensions”make use of a unique type of adhesive that has either already been placed on the extension or put on the extension when being applied.
- When the extensions are being fitted to the hair, the adhesive is then heated and allowed to cool, which will then seal them into place.
- Metal tube extensions are used by the threading of tubes into current hair and then threading the hair extensions into the tubes.
- When put into place, special clamps are then used to flatten the metal, which keeps all the extensions firmly in place.
- Plastic tubes are also put into usage, and are applied via the same method, except that heat is now used to shrink the tubes down to about half of their size, which then locks the extensions in place.
- Due to size, this kind of extension work better on women with medium to thick hair; others with thinner hair should avoid this kind due to being rather difficult to hide the extensions.
Micro Beading and Clip Ons
- Micro beading is carried out in strands or small wefts.
- Real hair beneath the crown is firmly braided to the head, and hair extensions then attached to the braid.
- This method uses no heat or glue and is deemed the best with the least amount of any potential damaging, then glue bonds or plastic tubes. (As long as they are removed later by professional stylists)
- The braid and extensions will be safe and secure for many months on end and hair is not under any unnecessary stress.
- And then there’s what are known as “clip-on extensions,” which are somewhat easy to fit into place and remove, and give some extra volume, length, or even bangs to your current hairstyle.
With such a selection of extensions, you just can’t go wrong!
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